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France’s Long Reconstruction (conference by Herrick Chapman)

Séminaire conjoint Université Toulouse 1/IAST, Toulouse Jean-Jaures/FRAMESPA, Sciences Po. Toulouse


Jeudi 20 octobre 2016 à 14h00 – Maison de la Recherche, Université Jean-Jaurès, à Toulouse, salle F422 (3e étage, nouveau bâtiment). 

Herrick Chapman (New York University/Institute of French Studies)

France’s Long Reconstruction:  Comparing Policy Domains after World War II

In his forthcoming book on French reconstruction after World War II, Herrick Chapman explores how the French struggled to combine a state-led, top-down modernization drive with an effort to revitalize democracy.  In this seminar presentation, Chapman will discuss how and why the tension between technocracy and democracy varied across several key domains of public policy:  immigration, taxation, family policy, and the nationalization of banking and industry.  This tension deepened in the course of the reconstruction, which helps account for why the Fifth Republic acquired its twin features of economic dynamism and political volatility.  These features came not simply from the “de Gaulle revolution” of 1958, as is often assumed.  They stemmed foremost from how the French learned to battle over policy and the state’s role during “the long reconstruction” from 1944 to 1962.

Conférence en anglais.

Entrée libre. 

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AHMO (13 octobre 2016). France’s Long Reconstruction (conference by Herrick Chapman). AHMO. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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