Appel à contributions Journal of Historical Research in Marketing / Numéro spécial Marketization and commodification of history
Special issue call for papers from Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
A special issue of Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
The Journal of Historical Research in Marketing invites submissions for a special issue focused on the ‘Marketization and commodification of history’. This focuses on the way multiple actors such as companies, associations, cities, etc. marketize and advertise their history. They build or extract their « genealogy » – often calling for the help of historians to do such work – to construct storytellings. This may have various purposes: reassuring consumers about the stability of their organization or their brand, inscribing these ones in a long-term perspective, building coherence and a sense of belonging for the consumers and the employees, etc.
For this special issue of JHRM, submissions dealing with different contexts in the world are invited. Specific topics might include but are not limited to:
– The use of historical materials by organizations
– History and heritage construction of brands or organizations
– Organizations’ heritage management
– Interaction between stakeholders (historians, curators, managers, etc.) in the stage production of history
– Museums and exhibits on the heritage of brands and organizations
– Construction of the heritage’s experience
– Management and uses of archives by companies
– Case studies on the history of brands, organizations, places, etc.
– Meaning of marketizing history for the consumers, the audiences
This is not a definitive list, and papers addressing any other issues on the Marketization and Commodification of History’ are of course welcome. Submissions may be conceptual and/or empirical. All types of methodology are welcomed.
Submission Instructions
The submission deadline for this special issue is July 15th, 2020 with an expected publication date in 2021.
If you are unsure of the suitability of your topic or have questions regarding a submission, please contact the special issue guest editors:
Hélène Gorge
Assistant Professor of Marketing
University of Lille
Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse
Professor of Marketing
University of Lille
How to submit to the Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
Submissions for this special issue of JHRM should be made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available on the journal’s ScholarOne site: Full information and guidance on using ScholarOne Manuscripts is available at the Emerald ScholarOne Manuscripts Support Centre:
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Nicolas Guilhot (22 janvier 2020). Appel à contributions Journal of Historical Research in Marketing / Numéro spécial Marketization and commodification of history. AHMO. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse